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Buzby Works
BuzCloud Cloud Positioning Service
Collect Indoor Location Data from the Internet of Things (IOT):
Where are the mobile devices in your network?
Where are the people and assets who are using those devices?
Traditionally, indoor location tracking was available only on proprietary systems. It was only for applications where location tracking could offer rapid ROI massive enough to justify the capital expenditure of these proprietary location-specific systems (i.e., where are the IV pumps in a large hospital?).
The Internet of Things has given us an opportunity to change that and open up indoor location tracking to more applications.
Enter the BuzCloud: Cloud Positioning System (CPS).
In IOT applications, many low-power radios are being installed in homes, commercial buildings, industrial sites, etc. to connect devices to the each other and to the Internet. This offers a backbone network often capable of supporting location tracking.
With the BuzCloud CPS, you can send data to the cloud that you're collecting from your IOT devices and use that data to calculate the locations of mobile IOT devices.
Here's How:

Device Firmware: CPS SDK
Simple, Background Firmware
First, you'll use the CPS SDK to add a lean firmware library to your IOT devices.
This firmware will enable all of your IOT devices to collect all the data necessary for location tracking.
We'll work directly with you to incorporate our firmware with yours to ensure compatibility. To learn more about this process and wireless standards we already support, please contact us.

CPS Installation Guidelines
Simple Steps
Next, you'll install your IOT system according to simple & straightforward guidelines to optimize for the CPS.
Already have installations? No problem! We'll work with you to determine if you're already compatible!
We'll work with you to ensure your IOT system is configured to connect directly with the BuzCloud CPS and to ensure you meet the needs of your use case.

CPS Location Engine
Calculating Locations
After your IOT system is up and running, it will start sending data to the BuzCloud Cloud Positioning System (CPS).
At the heart of the CPS, is our location engine that will use the data your IOT devices send to generate locations of mobile devices.
That's it! Now, you'll have access to the positions of your mobile IOT devices available to you right in the cloud from anywhere at anytime.
Acting on Indoor Location Data from the Internet of Things:
You have location data for your IOT devices from BuzCloud CPS. What's next?
While it may simply be useful to know where any of your mobile IOT devices are at any given point in time (Where's Waldo?), it is often also useful for you to be able to analyze and act on information about how your mobile IOT devices move (Where has Waldo Been?).
Another offering in the BuzCloud Cloud Positioning Service is the Location Visual Analytics (LVA) web portal. To learn more about BuzCloud LVA, click the screenshot below: